Aplikasi QRIS
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Terms & Conditions of qris open api platform

InterActive Open API QRIS has terms & conditions that must be completed so that the QRIS API is not misused later.

Open Api QR Code InterActive QRIS
Terms & conditions Open API QRIS

InterActive Open API QRIS has terms & conditions that must be completed so that the QRIS API is not misused later.

syarat dan ketentuan Open API QRIS
syarat dan ketentuan Open API QRIS
Companies Must Be Legal Entities

OPEN API QRIS is intended for companies or institutions that are legal entities and the purpose of use is clear and is not re-traded for personal gain.

syarat dan ketentuan Open API QRIS
Required to have legal entity files

Must have SIUP or NIB, Deed of Establishment, company NPWP for legal entities, personal NPWP for non-registered legal entities and ID card of the person in charge.

syarat dan ketentuan Open API QRIS
Has the NMID of InterActive QRIS

Must have an NMID from InterActive QRIS by being registered as a QRIS merchant from InterActive and not allowed to use NMID other than InterActive.

QRIS Open API Submission Terms

The following are the requirements for submitting an Open API QRIS that must be completed by merchants:

Bayar Nontunai Wajib Pakai QRIS, InterActive Pay
Legal entity CV/PT

Legal entity CV/PT

Bayar Nontunai Wajib Pakai QRIS, InterActive Pay

Non legal entity but registered / UD

Bayar Nontunai Wajib Pakai QRIS, InterActive Pay
Company NPWP

Company NPWP for legal entities

Bayar Nontunai Wajib Pakai QRIS, InterActive Pay
Personal NPWP

Personal NPWP for non-registered legal entities

Bayar Nontunai Wajib Pakai QRIS, InterActive Pay

Completeness SIUP, NIB, Establishment/ Amendment & SK Menkumham

Bayar Nontunai Wajib Pakai QRIS, InterActive Pay
non legal entity

Completeness of SIUP, NIB and Statement Letter for non-registered legal entities

Bayar Nontunai Wajib Pakai QRIS, InterActive Pay
person responsible

KTP of the administrator and person in charge

Bayar Nontunai Wajib Pakai QRIS, InterActive Pay

Required to use NMID InterActive QRIS

QRIS Open API Submission Fee

Submission of the QRIS Open API is subject to a certain fee according to the type of business entity.

sistem untuk semua model pembayaran QR Code, InterActive pay Surabaya, Pembayaran dengan metode scan QR Code, Cara mendapatkan QRIS, satu QR Code untuk semua Payment, Cara mendapatkan QRIS, Cara daftar QRIS, Solusi mendapatkan QRIS QR Code
Cost : Rp 850.000

No open fees charged
Requirements: PT/CV Business Entity Documents

Required to Use NMID InterActive QRIS

NMID (National Merchant ID) is a Merchant ID obtained after successful QRIS registration. OPEN API QRIS must use the NMID obtained from registration in InterActive QRIS.

daftar qris, cara mendapatkan qris

NMID contained in QRIS

daftar qris, cara mendapatkan qris

NMID in the QRIS Dashboard

If you haven't got the NMID from InterActive QRIS, register for QRIS now and join 15,7 Juta other businesses that are already using QRIS payments all over Indonesia !
Bayar Nontunai Wajib Pakai QRIS, InterActive Pay
about fire qris
Bayar Nontunai Wajib Pakai QRIS, InterActive Pay
Terms and conditions
Bayar Nontunai Wajib Pakai QRIS, InterActive Pay
Step by Step
Bayar Nontunai Wajib Pakai QRIS, InterActive Pay
API Documentation


Share Your Goals to grow with the QRIS Open API Platform to support Bank Indonesia's QRIS program in promoting a cashless society (digital money payments).

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